Selasa, 02 November 2010

Console Wars: Round Two - Fight!

This holiday season the console wars are heating up again. With Microsoft releasing their controllerless motion control peripheral and Sony having already released their motion controller, Move, industry analysts are once again turning to sales figures to see who will win the battle this time around. Recently, Sony's Andrew House reported to Bloomberg that first month sales in Europe were, "somewhere in the region of 1.5 million units." This is great news for Sony, installing a base early that adopts the new technology will provide developers with more incentive to develop games that support the new technology. However, US sales figures have been estimated by press outlets to fall in the 300,000 unit range, a number far below the estimated preorder sales of Microsoft's Kinect. Adding fuel to the skeptic fire, Sony has confirmed the shipment of 1 million units to North and Latin America in Move's first month. Some analysts see this as a sign of underperforming sales in the US. Latin America's data, some say, having been thrown into the total units shipped to make it appear as though more North American gamers are interested in Move.


- Easter Trembley - Christopher Greenman - Dalila Iwanyszyn - Tina Seta - Sabrina Akiereisen

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